Here you will find what we have been doing at Crydee. Be it new articles or information, maybe an update of existing information. This is where you will find out the bigger changes we have implimented.

Sun Mar 20th, 2016
How did Magician come to life?
If you ever wondered how Magician the first book by Raymond E. Feist came into being, now's your chance to discover more.
The article is in 2 parts, first part already posted , second to follow

Sun Mar 22nd, 2015
Crydee Search disabled
I have disabled the site search facility for the forseable future. The facility appears to be broken, with no obvious cause as yet. I will investigate as time permits.
In the meantime might I suggest use Google, enter the following as your search substituting <search term> for what you seek. <search term>

Fri Dec 19th, 2014
New Fan Artist Samantha Pocock added
We have just added two pieces of fan art by Samantha Pocock. They can be found in her gallery under Fan Art in the Artist Corner.

Mon Sep 23rd, 2013
Midkemia the Chronicles of Pug
It has taken a lot longer than hoped, but we have finally uploaded the publication information for Midkemia The Chronicles of Pug which is due out in the UK and US on the 5th November 2013. This book is what has replaced the long awaited Atlas of Midkemia, which has been talked about for over 15 years. The book itself is co-written with Stephen Abrams, one of the founders of Midkemia.
The UK Publication information can be found at Midkemia The Chronicles of Pug
The US Publication Information can be found at Midkemia The Chronicles of Pug
Here is a preview of the cover.

Fri May 10th, 2013
New Fanart
We have just posted a new piece of fanart from Ryan Sutherland. Full details can be found on hios fanart page, but for now a small preview.

Fri Mar 1st, 2013
Menu changes on the way
As part of adjusting the site structure to accomodate future worlds, we will shortly start to make changes to the menu. So for a short time, you may not find what you are looking for at the logical new location, though it will still be available at the old location. If you still have problems, please try the search option, but remember the less terms you search for the better the chance of finding what you seek.

Sun Jan 20th, 2013
Times are a Changing
To allow for future expansion, aka new series. We recently renamed 'Books' to 'Riftwar Cycle Books'. As part of this ongoing evolvement we have now added 'Stand Alone Books' to which we will be moving entries for Faerie Tale. This will also allow us to add any further stand alone books in the future, should they arise. In addition to this it now allows us to add any new series of books to the menu.

Thu Jan 17th, 2013
More cover updates
We have uploaded replacemnt covers for several Hungarian and Swedish titles. There have been no new titles released for these countries to our knowlede.

Tue Jan 15th, 2013
Czech and double Czech
No new releases added, but we have finally replaced many of the cover art that were lower quality. If you would like to see them, the quickest way is from the page Book Cover Art from Czech
We have also added the missing ISBN to the publication information section.

Mon Jan 14th, 2013
Portugal updated
We have just finished updating the publication information for the books from Portugal. We had missing information for last years releases of Os Filhos de Krondor - O Corsário do Rei (The Kings Buccaneer) and Os Filhos de Krondor - O Príncipe Herdeiro (Prince of the Blood)
We have also added the Synopsis for all the released titles which can be found in the Portugal Book Synopsis. Below yyou can see the covers of the latest books, but if you would like to see them all, check out Portugal in the Covers section.

Sat Jan 12th, 2013
Bulgaria meet the Empire
Last year Bulgaria released the three books in the Empire Trilogy, full details can be found at Bulgaria - The Empire Trilogy - Publication Information.
Below are the covers, using the Geoff Taylor art for your pleasure.

Sat Jan 12th, 2013
Greek Conclave Synopsis
We have added the synopsis for the Greek printings of the Concale of the Shadows. They can be found with the other Greece Book Synopsis

Fri Feb 24th, 2012
Lady of the Empire - Fan Art (UPDATED)
We have just uploaded the image of a lovely piece of art by Sarah Hardy. Its her impression of Mara of the Acoma from the Empire trilogy. You can see a small image below. A larger image can be found on her fan art page. Image used by permission.
For those who would like to see some of Sarahs' art in person, she has an exhibition starting today, 24th February and running till 1st April 2012 entitled "A Tale of Two". It is at The Viners Cafe, 11, Chute Street, Diamond Creek, Victoria, Australia. This painting is not on display.
If you would like to purchase a print at 'Fan Prices', here are the details:-
Limited Edition Print of 20 - $185AUD per print + $27.70
Delivery Fee (signature on arrival)
Size: 24" x 20" - (marginally smaller than the original image)
Museo Portfolio Rag - 100% cotton Giclee Print.
Half Size Print - $95AUD per print + $27.70 Delivery Fee
(signature on arrival)
Museo Portfolio Rag - 100% cotton Giclee Print.
To find out more about Sarah and her works, search out PopcornBlue on facebook. If you would like to make a purchase, please visit her website at and download an order form.

Thu Sep 22nd, 2011
The eBooks Section Is Changing
We are in the process of changing the structure of the eBook section, to permit us to include other Countries (languages). As the eBooks are released in a Country, we will be using that as the identifier, rather than language.
eBooks > Publication Information will remain as a menu item, and the countries as they release eBooks will now appear below it. The contents of the existing Publication Information, will also move down a level.
We hope to complete in next few days.