Here you will find the latest news in the world of Raymond E. Feist. It maybe the title of the next book, a new release or even a new project, but it could also be an update on an existing project. What ever it is though, we hope to present it to you as soon as we are aware of it. If you know something we don't, that relates to Raymond E. Feist, and believe it should be here, then please contact us.

Sun Sep 16th, 2007
Comic Book release dates slip
It appears that the release dates for the latest comic book issues have slipped, check out the Comic Books for more information

Sat Sep 1st, 2007
Future plans
In response to questions on what the future holds
From: Raymond Feist
Date: 01 September 2007
At this point I have plans to finish the Riftwar Cycle, which has five books to go, and then begin a new series in a new universe. So after I finish the Midkemian stuff, it'll be a while before I get back to it, I think, as I'll be focusing on a new franchise.
Best, R.E.F.

Fri Aug 24th, 2007
Midkemia Press d20 RPG update
From the Midkemia Press website August 2007
The latest negotiations for a d20 version of Midkemia have followed the pattern of the others and fallen apart. At this time there is no plan to do a d20 version but this could change at any time depending on interest from 3rd parties to license the product line or enough interest internally to do the work. More here as it is developed.
Visit Midkemia Press

Thu Aug 23rd, 2007
Wrath of a Mad God - Update
Ray posted the following update on Wrath of a Mad God. And a small comment on the next book.
From: Raymond Feist
Date: 23 August 2007
The ms. went in a couple of weeks ago and I'm getting revised pages with corrections back from my editor with notes and am hoping to have it all in and done by the end of the month. And I've already finished the first bit of the next one.
Best, R.E.F.

Wed Aug 15th, 2007
Raymond E. Feist interviewed by
Markus Mäurer of, has sent us the link for a recent interview they conducted with Raymond E Feist. The interview can be found at - Interview mit Raymond E. Feist

Tue Aug 14th, 2007
Official Press Release
New York, NY (August 13, 2007). Marvel Entertainment, Inc. and Dabel Brothers Productions, LLC announced today that they are mutually ending their publishing relationship. In 2006, Marvel and Dabel Brothers signed an agreement for Marvel to market, print and distribute several limited and ongoing series, in addition to some other dynamic new properties. Founded in 2001, the Dabel Brothers have specialized in creating comic books and graphic novels based on the works of best-selling authors' series such as Laurell K Hamilton's Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter; George R. R. Martin's Hedge Knight; and Orson Scott Card's Tales Of Alvin Maker and others.
Marvel Entertainment, Inc. President and Publisher Dan Buckley explained, "We have great respect for the Dabel Brothers' business and the relationships they have generated. Our partnership has been an exciting experience for both companies. We wish the Dabels well in their future publishing endeavors and hope to work with them again, should the opportunity present itself."
"Working with Marvel was a dream come true for all of us, and we enjoyed the opportunity to learn from the comic book industry's market leader," said Ernst Dabel, President of Dabel Brothers Productions. "We're looking forward to applying those lessons to our business as we resume our status as a self-publisher, and we plan to continue producing top-quality adaptations of best-selling science fiction, fantasy, horror and thriller novels by popular authors.
Going forward, Marvel will continue to publish Anita Blake Vampire Hunter by Laurell K. Hamilton; the Hedge Knight series by George RR Martin; Tales of Alvin Maker and Wyrms by Orson Scott Card; Magician Apprentice by Raymond Feist; Lords of Avalon by Kinley MacGregor; and Highwayman by R.A. Salvatore. Dabel Brothers Productions will begin work on its next wave of books, slated for release in early 2008.

Mon Aug 6th, 2007
Wrath of a Mad God
07 August 2007
Ray announced on the Feistfans-l Mailing list that the Manuscript for Wrath of a Mad God has been handed in to the publishers, and that he is awaiting editorial notes.

Tue Jul 31st, 2007
Midkemia Online - Update
Today we received an email from Leigh Stillard, Producer of "Midkemia Online" for 'Iron Realms Entertainment'.
Here for your information is an extract from that email:-
In terms of status here is a quick update on what we have done so far. We have completed building all the cities and kingdoms of the realm,(those that will be available at release - Admin), and made them functional for use by players once the game is released. We have crafting & gathering systems, our system for religion and roleplay events, and most of the area west of Krondor and north of the Bitter Sea built. Combat has been the main focus of the last 9 months, which is nearing a state where we are ready to go to alpha testing. We have a great deal more than the above in, but these are the most notable and the ones which required the most work.
Right now we're fleshing out the organizations that players will be a part of, an exciting trade system, continuing to polish and test the combat system, and various other preparations for alpha and beta. I can't give you a release date at this point unfortunately, but I should be able to at some point in the next couple of months.
Leigh Stillard,
Producer of "Midkemia Online"
for 'Iron Realms Entertainment'
You can read earlier information on the online games here

Thu Jul 26th, 2007
Rounding up the Krondor books
Ray recently posted to the newsgroup in response to a question on the remaining Krondor Books
From: Raymond Feist
Date: 24 July 2007
There may be a non-traditional project that will cover that last set of story issues down the road, but I can say no more on that topic right now.
Best, R.E.F.
From: Raymond Feist
Date: 26 July 2007
It's not a graphic novel. By non-traditional I mean "not a novel," and only that.
Best, R.E.F.

Sat Jul 14th, 2007
Wrath of a Mad God nears completion
Ray posted the following to the Feistfans-l Mailing list earlier today, refering to Wrath of a Mad God
From: Raymond Feist
Date: 14 July 2007
I should finish in the next couple of days.
Best, R.E.F.

Sat Jul 7th, 2007
Geoff Taylor Exhibition - Advance information
Geoff Taylor, who has provided many covers for the UK, Australian and others is holding another exhibition.
The exhibition entitiled "Wildlife and Fantasy Art" will be held at the Dock Museum, Barrow-in-Furness between 2nd June 2009 to 30th August 2009
At present it is un-known if any of the art used on Raymond E. Feist books will be present
You can find out more about the previous exhibition here

Fri Jul 6th, 2007
Crydee expands it capture area
We have launched a few satelite websites out there into the void. Their aim is to draw 'The Official Raymond E. Feist Website' to the attention of internet surfers when they use Google, Yahoo and other popular search engines, In time we hope this will help more fans from across the globe to find their way to the resources held here at Crydee.
The new websites are and . Each of these websites provides a small amount of content, which can already be found here at Crydee . In time we may develop these websites independantly.

Tue Jun 19th, 2007
Wrath of a Mad God Delay
Ray posted the following to alt.books.raymond-feist
From: Raymond Feist
Date: 20 June 2007
Almost certainly no. I suspect this is the first officially "blown" deadline I've had in 28 years. So expect it next April, about the same time as the US edition.
I've had vision issues since March, a function of age, and while things are beginning to improve (not back to "before" yet, but getting there), I can't hit the computer for those long rewrite sessions like I used to. I had a good day today, doing 34 pages of original and rewrite, but it's the first day over 20 pages since March. I'll turn it in about a week from now, but I fear we're too late to make production for the fall.
Best, R.E.F.

Tue Jun 19th, 2007
Midkemia Games
Ray posted to alt.books.raymond-feist
From: Raymond Feist
Date: 20 June 2007
Never get your hopes up on 4 year old press releases.
Iron Realm is producing a MUD, or so they say, and I have no idea when it's going to go public. I'm not deep into the game part of that deal. They optioned a graphic game right, but those rights reverted very quickly as they couldn't get the money people on line.
Best, R.E.F.

Tue Jun 12th, 2007
US - release date of Murder in LaMut soon
Murder in LaMut is due for release on 31 July 2007, so start saving. To see all the details we have so far check here