Istories magias & Fantasias
click image to enlarge
Country: | Greece |
Book Title: | A Magic Lovers Treasury of the Fantastic |
Country Title: | Istories magias & Fantasias |
Story Title: | |
Story Author: | |
Book Format: | unknown |
Translator: | Adamantia Stefanidou |

Tales of the Impossible
click image to enlarge
Country: | UK |
Book Title: | Tales of the Impossible |
Country Title: | Tales of the Impossible |
Story Title: | |
Story Author: | |
Publisher: | Harper Prism |
Book Format: | Paperback |
Editor: | David Copperfield, Janet Berliner |

Apithanes Istories
click image to enlarge
Country: | Greece |
Book Title: | Tales of the Impossible |
Country Title: | Apithanes Istories |
Story Title: | |
Story Author: | |
Publisher: | Esotropon |
Book Format: | unknown |
Printing Date: | 1997 |
Editor: | David Copperfield, Janet Berliner |
Translator: | Thomas Mastakouris |
Comments: | To Apithano Colpo tou Geroldo |

A Magic Lovers Treasury of the Fantastic
click image to enlarge
Country: | US |
Book Title: | A Magic Lovers Treasury of the Fantastic |
Country Title: | A Magic Lovers Treasury of the Fantastic |
Story Title: | |
Story Author: | |
Publisher: | Warner Aspect |
Book Format: | Hard Cover |
Editor: | Margaret Weis |

A Magic Lovers Treasury of the Fantastic
click image to enlarge
Country: | US |
Book Title: | A Magic Lovers Treasury of the Fantastic |
Country Title: | A Magic Lovers Treasury of the Fantastic |
Story Title: | |
Story Author: | |
Publisher: | Warner Aspect |
Book Format: | Trade Paperback |
Editor: | Margaret Weis |

Tales of the Impossible
click image to enlarge
Country: | US |
Book Title: | Tales of the Impossible |
Country Title: | Tales of the Impossible |
Story Title: | |
Story Author: | |
Publisher: | Harper Prism |
Book Format: | Hard Cover |
Editor: | David Copperfield |

Opowiesci niesamowite
click image to enlarge
Country: | Poland |
Book Title: | Tales of the Impossible |
Country Title: | Opowieści niesamowite |
Book Author: | |
Story Title: | |
Story Author: | |
Publisher: | Dom Wydawniczy Rebis |
Book Format: | Hard Cover |
ISBN 10: | 83-7120-504-X |
Printing Date: | 1997 |
Printing Revision: | 1 |
Number of Pages: | 376 |
Price: | 39.00 |
Editor: | David Copperfield, Janet Berliner |
Translator: | Ewa and Tomasz Hornowscy |
Cover Artist: | Unknown |

Priče o nemogućem
click image to enlarge
Country: | Croatia |
Book Title: | Tales of the Impossible |
Country Title: | Priče o nemogućem |
Story Title: | |
Story Author: | |
Publisher: | NAKLADA C, RIJEKA |
Book Format: | Hard Cover |
ISBN 10: | 953-6294-04-4 |
Printing Date: | 1997 |
Number of Pages: | 400 |
Price: | 180.00kn |
Editor: | David Copperfield, Janet Berliner |
Comments: | "Više od knjige. Priče o nemogućem Davida Copperlieda sjajan su prikaz umjetničkog stvaralaštva. David Copperfield nedvojbeno najveći iluzionist svih vremena pozvao je najvještije pisce današnjice da nastupe zajedno s njim i učine ono što oni i on čine najbolje - da nemoguće oživi pred našim očima." OSMISLILI I UREDILI DAVID COPPERFIELD I JANET BERLINER KORIŠTENI ORIGINALNI MATERIJALI OD: Deana Koontza Davida Copperfielda Raya Bradburya Jacka Kirbya S. P. Somtowa Kevina J. Andersona Erica Lustbadera Joyce Carol Oates F. Paula Wilsona Lucy Taylor Davea Smedsa Larya Bonda Raymonda E. Feista Roberta Weinberga Lise Mason P. D. Cacek Davea Wolvertona Matthewa Costella Janet Berliner |

Er was eens... 2001 Een reisgids naar onverkend fantasyterrein
click image to enlarge
Country: | Netherlands |
Country Title: | Er was eens... 2001 Een reisgids naar onverkend fantasyterrein |
Story Title: | |
Story Author: | |
Publisher: | Meulenhoff-M |
Book Format: | unknown |
ISBN 10: | 90-290-6930-9 |
Printing Date: | April 2001 |
Printing Revision: | 1 |
Number of Pages: | 124 |
Translator: | Richard Heufkens |
Cover Artist: | Severine Pineaux |
Credits: | Many thanks to Bas Koblens for letting us know about this title |
Comments: | Dutch story title: Geroldos Ongelooflijke Truc |