There appears to be an error in At the Gates of Darkness on page 66 of the UK / Australian New / Zealand edition.
The text states:-
"...He tapped his chin in thought. `It's possible. They might have
taken the gold and other valuables south with them, but books and
scrolls? Not as likely. It's as Brother Victor said, `I must leave you
now, as evening prayer is about to begin. I assume you do not need me
to show you out?'..."
From the US uncorrected proof, which may have changed before final publication, we have:-
"...He tapped his chin in thought. "Likely. Gold and other valuables
they'd take south with them. Books and scrolls? Not as likely.
Certainly it's the place we can start looking."
Brother Victor said, `I must leave as the evening prayer is
about to begin. I assume you do not need me to show you out?'..."
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